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Kirk Sandall Infant Academy

Education & Skills

We want to create a nurture room for children who have social, emotional and communication difficulties.

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About this cause

We are an infant school, part of Kirk Sandal Academy Trust which is an exempt charity. We are a school at the heart of its community. School Motto: “Together we achieve more!" Mission Statement: “Learning and growing together through collaboration, determination and resilience, giving each child the best possible start in life.” Vision Statement: Kirk Sandall Infant Academy is a happy, safe and nurturing school where outstanding teaching and support aims to inspire each individual to achieve their full potential. We keep moving forward, opening new doors and learning new things, because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths and teaching us new things. We are safe, we care, we are happy and our future is bright!

How this cause brings people in the community together

The project will help the whole school community. We also hope that it will help the local community as we intend having other agencies working alongside us in the designated room e.g. parents, school nursing, speech therapists, occupational health etc. In the long term, the local community will benefit as we strive to diminish the difference for our most vulnerable pupils and their peers.