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Rainbow Valley Cancer Charity


We want to deliver our unique '7 Steps to health' and 'Health v Cancer' courses to anyone in the local area who has been affected by cancer.

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About this cause

Our aim is to provide people of all ages, living with or affected by cancer (including family and friends) with the knowledge and opportunity to prevent and manage the impact of cancer and improve their long-term quality of life by making informed choices about personal health, the disease and its effects. We provide the practical tools necessary to take a holistic approach to living with and overcoming cancer, addressing the psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical needs of each individual and their support network. We do this by using a unique range of innovative and established therapies incorporating nutrition, exercise and relaxation whilst complementing hospital treatments.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We will help those within our community who are seeking knowledge on the prevention of cancer and we will help those within our community living with cancer as well as their friends and family. Together we will create a more knowledgeable,empowered community able to prevent and manage the impact of cancer and improve their long-term quality of life by making informed choices about personal health.