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Action for the River Kennet (ARK)


We will run River School sessions for the community – pre-school to the retired – and help local groups learn about and enjoy their river.

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About this cause

Charity ARK is the Rivers Trust for the Kennet catchment, we work with the community to restore and preserve the River Kennet and its tributaries for people and for the iconic wildlife that depends on these special chalk streams. We work in schools, with cub, beaver, brownie and scout groups, retirement homes and others to engage and connect people of all ages with their rivers, from River School activities to Trout and Eel in School projects. We have 120 + volunteers trained to care for the river from working with our project officer to conserve and improve the river habitats in a variety of ways to water quality testers, river-fly monitors and water vole surveyors. We run free public events increasing access to the public and providing opportunities for engagement, education and fun.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Many studies show people of all ages are often disconnected with wildlife and the outdoors, River School gets the community of all ages and backgrounds in and by their local river with a chalk stream expert. Participants have fun exploring and learning about and connecting with this beautiful ecosystem and seeing wildlife that is on their doorstep. Good for both physical/mental health.