Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
Animal Welfare
We're raising funds to assist The Vale of Belvoir's local farming community by vaccinating badgers against Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB).
About this cause
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is the county’s leading volunteer-led environmental charity run by local people for the benefit of wildlife. We manage 67 nature reserves with valuable wildlife habitats including wildflower meadows & ancient woodlands. Alongside every Wildlife Trust in the country, we oppose culling badgers as a means to control Bovine TB and believe vaccination is the best way to prevent the disease spreading in both badgers & cattle. We engage the local community through events, education and volunteering opportunities and seek to ensure our county is a healthy and wildlife-rich place to live. Our activities enable people of all ages & backgrounds to participate in wildlife conservation, improving both their health & wellbeing through access to nature and green spaces.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is very conscious of the hardship that bTB causes in the local farming community in Wartnaby and surrounding area, and the need to find mechanisms to control the disease. Given the seriousness of the situation for farmers we are prioritising badger vaccination, and advising landowners on measures to prevent the spread of bTB to cattle.