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The Passage

Social Inclusion

We want to provide homeless people with the new equipment they need for construction work: boots, gloves and hats.

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About this cause

Our mission is to provide resources which encourage, inspire and challenge homeless people to transform their lives. The Passage fulfils its mission by providing: •homelessness prevention projects; •resource centre services; •outreach services; •hostel accommodation; •supported semi-independent accommodation. Home for Good is a homeless prevention project; we support former rough sleepers to maintain their tenancies and reduce their loneliness and social isolation, a known cause of people returning to the street once housed. We match our resettled clients with a fully vetted and trained volunteer based on shared interests and local boroughs. Partnerships meet on a weekly basis for a year to reach goals, link into services and support to make a lasting place to live away from the streets.

How this cause brings people in the community together

With £5000 we can help 100 people. By spending only £50 on each person we can help them regain their dignity and self-respect. Unemployment tears families apart and brings social problems to community life when people are unable to contribute. Homelessness is a lasting trauma that can be prevented in part by remaining in work. Working people support the local community with their purchasing power.