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Out There West Sussex


We want to expand our sports and leisure provision for people aged 16 plus who have a learning disability or Autism.

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About this cause

Out There West Sussex is a community based preventative project which provides sports and leisure activities to people aged 16+ with a learning disability or autism. Our focus is to improve physical and mental health through regular exercise and social interaction. Many of the people that access the service have in the past been isolated and in danger of their health declining putting further pressure on NHS and associated services. We aim to increase self esteem and confidence through community engagement and also teach life skills. We run daytime and evening sessions across the county including swimming, badminton, arts and crafts, Boccia, football and music. Our aim is to connect people with learning disabilities or autism to their local community through sports and leisure.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The project will benefit the community as we will not only be offering a service for people with learning disabilities and Autism but we will also be offering volunteering and possible paid employment opportunities to the wider community. We will work closely with local schools colleges and universities to build good links so that students can volunteer and also help to break down barriers.