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The Red Balloon Family Foundation

Young People

We have an interactive teaching resource we want to take into primary and secondary schools to start conversations around mental health.

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About this cause

RBFF works with children, young people and families to allow them to discover and fulfil their potential. A particular focus of 2017/18 will be development of our 'MiLife' mental health and emotional wellbeing awareness programme created and delivered with support from local authorities and the NHS which so far has been delivered to over 5000 young people, equipping them with the skills they need to experience greater emotional resilience and battle the stigma around mental health. We also run a wide variety of out of school activities, holiday clubs, classroom teaching, assemblies, youth clubs and detached street work often engaging with the most vulnerable families within communities, alongside running training programmes for others to do the same.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Opening any newspaper or watching any news programme will affirm that our children are growing up without the tools they need to experience good mental health through their life. Our project, called 'MiLife' equips them to take control of their own emotional wellbeing and feel as confident to seek help with their mental health as they would be if they scraped their knee or broke their arm.