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Young People

We want to provide young people with adventure activities to raise self-esteem, confidence and their participation in physical activity.

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About this cause

POINT is a youth drop in centre based in Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. POINT is open 6 days a week, 50 weeks of the year for young people aged 11-25. POINT aims provides a safe, welcoming space and opportunities for young people living in North Pembrokeshire to acquire the confidence, self esteem and skills to overcome the obstacles they may encounter on their journey from childhood to adulthood. Whilst also encouraging them to explore their interests and play an active role within their community. We provide the young people with a range of activities from offering a great range of activities including: - Sports and recreation- from football to surfing and landboarding - Informal education and life skills - Cooking and healthy eating - Personal development and challenges

How this cause brings people in the community together

Young People are the future and adventure activities provide participants with opportunities for personal & social development. Trust & an ability to accept support are encouraged & anti-social behaviour is challenged. Activities are presented to develop inter-personal skills which will enable them to be confident members of their communities, which in turn will benefit all of their community.