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Blackmore Vale RDA


We want to buy a pony to enable more disabled riders to experience a real pony ride.

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About this cause

Our aim is to enable as many people of all ages and ability to ride a horse. The benefits are huge physically and mentally – if you have spent your life sitting in a wheelchair how wonderful must it be to suddenly look down on, or at least be on a level with, the rest of the world? We try and accommodate anyone, young or young at heart, who wants to ride – either real ponies or mechanical horses which prove an amazing stepping stone to the real thing.

How this cause brings people in the community together

As a whole, our Riding for the Disabled Community would benefit hugely because we would be able to increase the number of riders by a further 10-12 each week. This equates to a further 15% of disabled adults and children being able to have a real pony ride every week.