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St Mary's Draycott Community Hall

Social Inclusion

We need to pay for the repair and restoration of our village hall for the Draycott Community.

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About this cause

The St Mary's Draycott Community Hall provides a centre in the Village for Community Groups to meet and carry out activities. The hall has groups such as the Brownies, Guides, Imari Chorus choir, Draycott Sounds Choir, Life Drawings, an embroidery group, Church groups, School holiday activity groups and is available for local parties, and wedding receptions. This Hall is Victorian and needs some urgent repair and restoration due to damp in the the lower brick work and underneath the hall, this means the kitchen will have to be taken out for the floor to be accessed and an upgraded Kitchen replaced. We wish for the Hall to be kept for the community well into the future so that the community has an accessible and affordable place to meet.

How this cause brings people in the community together

This will allow continued meetings of groups of the community and continue the sense of pride they have in their village. Upgrading the hall with WiFi access would allow other local organisations to use the hall and to continue this community resource well into the future.