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Age UK Sheppey

Art & Culture

We want to provide a weekly stimulation and activity club for people with young or early onset dementia to help maintain their cognition.

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About this cause

We provide beneficial support to older people on the isle of Sheppey. This includes information and advice, practical support in the home, social opportunities at our day centres, meals on wheels, befriending and specific support for people with dementia. Our aim is to increase the reach of Age Uk Sheppey in order to provide beneficial support to more people.

How this cause brings people in the community together

It will hopefully demonstrate that it is possible to live well with dementia and that it is not just an illness of old age. It will give the participants a positive experience and their carers and family members a day's break. Through press publicity we hope to overcome some if the stigma that people can feel with a dementia diagnosis.