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73rd Portsmouth Scout Group

Young People

We need to replace our camping equipment so we can offer better chances for the youngsters to experience the outdoors and the environment.

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About this cause

We are the UK's biggest mixed youth organisation. We change lives by offering 6 to 25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others so that we make a positive impact in communities. Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. We help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world. In Drayton we offer an exciting programme of both adventurous and community based activities from climbing,kayaking to spending time with the elderly in the local Care Homes playing games or just talking.

How this cause brings people in the community together

It will give the youngsters a chance to experience challenging activities and help them to mature being aware of the world around them. It will give them a sense of 'belonging' and sharing, which will transfer to their attitude towards their community and help to make them understand that hey are part of a larger community.