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Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

Young People

We want to fund our 'Keeping it Wild' young persons group to inspire and encourage young people to help protect Nottingham’s wild spaces.

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About this cause

We are a locally based charity working to promote and protect wildlife across Nottinghamshire. Much of our work is delivered in partnership with our local volunteer groups. We care for wild places, campaign to save wildlife and deliver environmental education. We work with community groups and schools to highlight the value of wildlife and green spaces & provide opportunities for people to play an active role in protecting nature on their doorstep. Our sites are open free of charge & make a vital contribution to people's health & well being. Whilst our income is over the preferred level many of our projects are locally focused & require direct support. Much of our expenditure is committed to caring for our nature reserves & we need funding for community engagement and education projects.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The 'Keeping it Wild' Young person's group is a new group established by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to engage young people in wildlife conservation. The group is led by young people who are keen to find new ways to inspire other young people to get involved in caring for local wildlife areas. The group is keen to develop a 'Keeping in Wild' roadshow to attend events to inspire young people about the value of local wildlife. The group uses creative techniques such as arts/crafts/games & music to engage people and funding is needed for materials and equipment. Events will be led by young people for young people. By involving more young people we hope to provide them with exciting opportunities for volunteering, learning and skill sharing and to improve local wildlife sites for everyone.